Here is the list of term 4 assignments...there may be additions to this list depending on class work habits. Please check frequently if you are not coming to class on a regular basis.
1. poem/storyboard: 10 marks: already overdue
2. video poem: 50 marks : Tues May 17 to be presented in class on this day for 10 marks.
3. product shoot: ( 5 shots, 1 good ad on Flickr) Mon May 9 on Flickr.
4. portraits: 10 marks : set to slideshow and on Flickr, combined with downtown shoot with music: presentation in class on June 15/16 10 marks
5. downtown shoot: 20 shots: Fri June 10 leaving the school at 12 noon. assign. due along with portrait slideshow and put on Flickr June 16/17 in class
6. website update:10 marks, June 21
7. Short teaching on a topic: 10 marks in class week of JUNE 6-10.
8. Photo book : 20 marks, 20 of your best pictures in a fully developed book. June 21, give yourself 3 weeks turnaround time.
9. Piece of artwork from a photo, 15 marks, June 21
Reflection shots on the m drive under Chase1 in the folder Refection shots
WOW shots on the m drive under Chase 1 in the folder WOW shots
Year end slideshow photos ( grad portraits plus other around the school and friends shots) on the m drive under Chase 1 in the folder year end photos
Portrait/downtown shoot on m drive under Chase 1 in folder Portraits/downtown slideshow