Monday, November 27, 2017

Term 2 Assignments

Macros 20 shots of objects close up and a video set to music. Marks 30, 20 for shots on Flickr, and 10 for the slideshow to be presented on time in class. DUE: Thurs Dec 7

Video your choice or Beauty in a Second 50 marks; includes 10 marks for presentation on time in class DUE: Dec 19 ( see advanced photo for criteria and details)

Website updated, should include at least 2 more albulms organized in an interesting way. It should have no mistakes and look very professional. 10 marks

Photobook 20 of your best photos. This should be sent off to be printed before the end of the xmas break.  Marks 25 
NOTE: London Drugs has a sale on these books until Friday Dec 1.

Artwork from your photography, Please consult with Ms Chase about your ideas. This should include a piece of photographic art 20 marks

Final Slideshow of your top 35 plus 5 new photos photos from all of your years at Isfeld. Due end of term for presentation in class. Thur Jan 25

Creative Ideas for your Final Shoot

Friday, September 22, 2017

Term #1 Assignments

Assignment #1: Composition Shots /Slideshow

After understanding the Elements of Composition, you are to shoot two photos for each of the following and upload to Flickr into an album entitled: Assignment #1. You should also complete a slideshow set to music for presentation.
Assignment value: 20 marks Slideshow: 10 marks

Criteria: assignment meets the outline, is well composed, crisp, and creative. The work should have basic editing only, cropping and lighting. You will have about a week to complete this assignment.
  • 2 black and white
  • 2 high angle shots
  • 2 reflection shots
  • 2 fill the frame
  • 2 choice creatives
Assignment #2 Theme shoot: You will be shooting 20 shots on one theme and then set the shots into a slideshow. The slideshow is worth 10 marks and the theme shots should be up on Flicker in an album for 20 marks.

Assignment #3: Website 10 marks. To include head shot and 4-5 line bio as well as 3-4 collections of your best shots categorized. due Oct 31 in class marking by Ms Chase

Assignment #4 (Edit #1) Heavily edited piece, conceptual in nature. Take your skills and knowledge and apply it in a photographic piece of art. 10 marks

Photo Contest Photo: Should be in the conttest folder on the m drive. 5 marks

Assignment #5: (Edit #2) Take one of your photographs and turn it into a conceptual piece of photo artwork. You should have 4-5 layers and I want to see a deeper piece created. 10 marks

Assignment #6  Portraits : You are to take 20 shots of an individual. I would prefer all shots be taken of one model in a variety of locations and a number of different poses. Some full body shots are required. Slideshow is worth 10 marks ( done/not done) and the 20 shots should be posted to Flickr  and be in an album. 20 marks

Studio skills: ( assignments in on time, productive use of class time, proper use of equipment/return of equipment/participation in class critiques and discussions,paying attention during lessons, overall effort and quality of work) 25 marks

Total marks 150

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Term 4 Assignments

Here is the list of term 4 Assignments

60 seconds of Beauty, 40 marks

Portraits 20 shots marks 30, the portraits are to be put into a slideshow for viewing.10 marks are allocated for the slideshow portion and presenting on time.

Magazine or CD cover, 20 marks.

Website updated, 10 marks

Photobook 20 of your best photos, marks 25

Artwork from your photography, plus a small gel transfer 20 marks

Conceptual shots 3 shots, 30 marks

Downtown shoot, 20 marks on Flickr

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Semester 2 Term 3

The following is a list of current assignments that will be graded in Term #3. There may be a few small ones added. Lots to keep you busy!

  • Self -Portrait : 3 shots with at least one shot being artistic. The selfies SHOULD REVEAL SOME PART OF YOUR PERSONALITY. 10 marks

  • Artistic Snow shots: 5 shots edited. Utilize your knowledge of composition, and have some fun creating some artistic snow shots. ( Get on this assignmet before the snow goes away! Also these should not just be any snow shots but ones that are artistic...a variety of landscape and macro) 10 marks

  • Product shoot: Choose a product and produce 10 different shots as though you are shooting for a magazine ad. Choose your best shot and create an ad with a tag line. Put your 10 practice shots and your finished ad onto Flickr in an albulm. Ideas for products include: can of pop, hat, running shoes, backpack, phone, watch, box of cereal, deodorant etc. 20 marks

  • Website 1: Begin setting  up your website ( try do not have to go live) Make sure you have a bio, headshot, and 2 collections of photos for the first term. You will  continue to work on this  into term 4. 10 marks

  • Theme shoot ( 20 shots) plus 10 Macros: Choose a theme to shoot ( 1960's, skateboarding, black and white, landscapes, clothing, lego, chocolate, paints etc) You should take 20 different photos within this theme. Put all into an albulm on Flickr and create a slideshow to music for viewing in class 30 marks  Due March 30

  • Video: 60 seconds of beauty: You are to take 60 video shots, 1-2 seconds in length of inspiring things..."beauty-ti-ful" things then edit to music into a video compilation. Ms Chase has lots of sample videos to see. 30 marks  Due the first week of April